Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thanks for the Feedback...

Momentum Long Tail Article
The Mar/Apr 08 issue of Momentum Magazine has an article about the rise of the long tail bike..=-) Since Momentum provides free PDFs of the whole magazine and posts the text of many articles to their website I figured they wouldn't mind if I posted an image of the article with photos on this blog.
I'd encourage you to check out Momentum on a regular basis. They seem to be one of the few bike magazines in touch with practical non-race oriented cycling. What a refreshing change from the mainstream cycling press.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Calgary Herald Xtracycle Article

Fixing the Fujin Fender
My Fujin's rear fender needed some love. I removed it completely as minor adjustments weren't working out. The forward mount had come loose and that allowed the tire to touch the wheel. I reattached the front mount, but I'm still not 100% satisfied with it. Due to the low clearance between the tire and the fender I can't secure it with a bolt. I reapplied copious amounts of electrical tape to keep the mount from sliding back and forth on the fender. If this doesn't hold for the rest of the season I'll pull the whole thing off and use some epoxy to bond the mount to the fender.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Ortlieb Velocity 5 Month Review
Read my initial impressions here.
I bought this backpack at Rarified back at the start of December 2007. I love Ortlieb products and although I probably didn't need a new backpack the shinny black waterproof goodness of this bag called to me...=-) 5 months later it has become my favourite backpack supplanting my old favourite a Camelback Transalp. Part of the reason the Velocity has become my go to backpack is that it is a very useful/comfortable design. I can carry several days or groceries in it by leaving the top open and over stuffing it. I can carry a 17" wide screen laptop in it with total confidence that rain or snow will not reach my computer. It is very durable so I don't baby it. It gets plunked down on a slushy sidewalk while I root through it for something I need. The other part of the equation is the Velocity looks a whole lot less grubby than my 6 year old heavily battle worn Transalp. I'm not trying to look like Derrick Zoolander everywhere I go, but us single cyclists have to at least pay a little attention to our appearance...=-)
- 100% waterproof
- extremely durable fabric
- ergonomic shoulder straps and waist belt carry moderate loads well
- Comfortable foam padding on back - also allows for ventilation
- Derrick Zoolander would approve the aesthetic even if he couldn't spell aesthetic!
- removable organizer pocket good for small items
- useful size without being too large
- can carry a 17" wide screen laptop
Although I do love Ortlieb products this bag is not perfect.
- It lacks a tab on the back to mount a red blinkie.
- It has virtually zero reflective material on it. Given it is stealth black to begin with visibility at night is an issue.
- Like all Ortlieb products it is essentially a big waterproof bag. It does have a small removable interior organizer for small items - which I use a lot, but that only provides a limit amount of potential organization.
Love the Fold!

What happens when the author of a SE Asian folding bike blog discovers the beauty of a Surly Long Haul Trucker? Tune into Love the Fold and find out. The pictures alone have me checking that my passport is valid!
Also have a look at this.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Future?

I have been pondering more changes and wanted to run them by you for some feedback. This blog covers quite a few varied topics and I've been thinking it might be better to split them up and have a dedicated blog for each topic. I'm already doing that for my Bike Friday Tikit and it seems to work well. When you go to that blog all the posts and links relate to the Tikit. As you read the blog it flows nicely and the posts relate to one another quite well.
Assuming I make this change here is what you'd end up with:
- The Lazy Rando Blog - covering bents, brevets and other rando related topis
- Bike Touring Blog - covering my touring bikes, touring/camping equipment, tour reports and touring links.
- Mountain Biking Blog - covering my mountain biking exploits in the Canadian Rockies
- Commuting/Utility Biking Blog - covering all my "useful" bikes and rides
You would be able to read all the content if it interests you and if you only want to read specific content - such as bike touring - you could easily just tune into that blog.
Ultimately a blog only has value if people read and enjoy it so I'd be interested in getting your feedback on this idea. Feel free to leave me a comment or send me an email. While you are at it if you have any requests or suggestions for other improvements I'm open to any ideas you may have.
Ultimately a blog only has value if people read and enjoy it so I'd be interested in getting your feedback on this idea. Feel free to leave me a comment or send me an email. While you are at it if you have any requests or suggestions for other improvements I'm open to any ideas you may have.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Bike Culture

I'd like to feel like I am pioneer. That I am part of something new, but the reality is the bicycle has been empowering humans with freedom and mobility for more than a hundred years. From the start bicycles carried our loads, got us to work and put a smile on our faces. My discovery of the joy and usefulness of the bicycle, first as a child and then again as a young adult, is just another echo of that shared experience.
I suppose I am part of something new - the online cycling community that has sprung up with the advent of global computer networks. I'm proud to continue a velocipede tradition. Joining with people like you. Taking our love for pedal powered conveyances into the internet age.
With the rising costs of fossil fuels and a growing awareness that the dominant car-centric culture isn't sustainable - nor particularly good for us - the status and awareness of bicycles in our society is likely on the upswing. That's great! I'm excited to see more and more people realizing how wonderful life can be from the saddle of a bicycle. Life is indeed beautiful.
There is an inherent truth in cycling that needs no words or explanation. Put someone on a bicycle that fits them reasonably well and the bicycle will teach them everything they need to know. Turning the pedals provides an instant karmic pay back. Demonstrating your thoughts and actions shape your world and your world shapes your thoughts and actions. Perhaps we need to update the old Zen koan from "...before enlightenment chop wood and carry water - after enlightenment chop wood and carry water..." to "...before enlightenment ride bicycle and lube chain - after enlightenment ride bicycle and lube chain..."????
Keep the rubberside down....
Monday, April 21, 2008
Schwalbe Marathon XRs for Sale
I'm selling two Schwalbe Marathon XR 26 x 1.75" wire bead tires. They have about 100kms on them and look new - very gentle use. I love XRs, but I need some 2.0" fatties for my Inuvik tour. I bought some already and then decided to use them for a different project so I need two more. These tires sell for $59.95 US + shipping each. I'll sell the pair for $85 US/CDN shipped to you.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Old & New Shoes
BTW - if you have a wide forefoot give Specialized's line of MTB shoes a try. As you can see there is quite a difference in width and the front of these shoes.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Do I wear a helmet?
What I do is a risk analysis based on my personal experience and based upon what I've heard from other riders. I look at all the factors I see as relevant and decide what safety gear to employ. This analysis goes further than just if I should wear a helmet or not. It includes things like what gloves to wear, reflective gear, sandals/shoes?, lights? Not all rides are created equal.
Some examples of choices I often make:
- I pretty much wear a helmet 100% of the time I go mountain biking. Although I don't crash often this type of riding has the highest likelihood that I'll end up on the ground.
- On casual urban rides close to home I almost never wear a helmet. I ride slowly and tend to spend a lot of time off the bike drinking coffee, eating dinner, shopping, etc... I ride defensively on these occasions which I think is more important than wearing a helmet.
- I always wear a helmet on brevets. I think it is a club rule, but regardless when riding fast for long hours day and night the chance I may have an accident is greater making a helmet a good investment.
I'm not suggesting my methodology is the best or the smartest. I'm just sharing how I look at helmets and safety. To my mind the most important thing is that each rider evaluates the risks they are talking and uses the equipment/tactics to keep themselves safe - whatever that means to them.
If you have a moment leave me a comment and let me know how use helmets.
If you have a moment leave me a comment and let me know how use helmets.
Are helmets safe?

From an interesting article in the British Medical Journal:
"The statistical wrangle over the effectiveness of helmets is actually a side issue; what we need people in authority to understand is that cycle helmets inevitably damage public health. Even for cyclists on Britain's roads, the health benefits exceed the risks by a factor of 20. The health benefits of cycling are so great---and the health injuries from driving so great---that not cycling is really dangerous. By telling people that they need helmets for an activity that for a century has been regarded as "safe"---and in fact has a fine safety record---you inevitably engender the impression that cycling must have become more dangerous than driving and walking. That deters cycling. That reduces cyclists' presence on the roads. That increases the risk of death. And if wild claims about helmets saving lives are published in the media, helmet users are bound to feel overly secure, thus compromising their one vital safety feature---a sense of caution. In addition, over time most people--- and especially parents---will come to believe that it is wearing a helmet that matters, not acquiring skilful technique. These effects have been noted in every country where helmets have come into general use, including the United Kingdom. Millions will die early because they did not cycle. "
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Strathmore 200K - Ride Report
I should start by saying that everything good that happened on this ride is totally the result of my fine choice in bicycles and everything bad that happened was due to the fact I am truly a lazy bastard. How do I know this? Well I sure can't say that my massive recumbent base mileage of 63kms was responsible for the good bits can I??? I know I know - don't send me any emails. 63kms is beyond stupid when it comes to preparation for a new rando season. They probably haven't invented a word for how ridiculous it is. I have my excuses of course, work, bad weather, etc... Of course the other club members with thousands of kms under their wheels so far this year have demanding jobs and live in the same spot on the planet. Let's face it I'm lazy. At least give me credit for not falsely advertising when I named this blog!
I got up at 05:30 after a terrible night of sleep - no doubt a result of nagging guilt at my lack of preparation! I had my gear and bike largely ready so I was able to sip a cup of tea and spend a good 15mins surfing blogs pretending I didn't have to ride a recumbent 200kms today. Eventually I had to face facts and load my stuff for the ride across town to the familiar A&W in NE Calgary. I must say I was totally unconcerned about the day's ride. The forecast was for sunny skies, light winds, +15 deg C and a whole lot of suffering for my legs - it didn't disappoint on any accounts. Although I didn't ride many brevets last year I did work hard at getting comfortable on my Fujin. The pay off was that I knew I could ride 200kms regardless of training and that allowed me to be very relaxed at the start. Last year this time I was a bundle of nerves - meeting new people who were hardcore riders, not knowing what the route was like or how I'd feel. To be frank I didn't miss feeling freaked out!
Given that this was a post PBP year I thought we'd have a low turn out of 5-6 riders. To my surprise 12-13 fine members of the Alberta Rando Club showed up. After a quick briefing from the Ken Myhres, the club president, we were off at 8am sharp. Naturally I was the only recumbent rider so I took up my place at the end of the casual pace line.
I don't mind riding with a small group of DFs, but this posse was too big and having to stay at the back meant I missed a crucial attack last year and I never made contact with the lead group for the rest of the ride. I had no illusions I was going to beat any of the fast riders today. These guys are HARDCORE and they have a ton of rando experience. My job this brevet was to 1) embarrass myself as little as possible, 2) get some training KMs in, 3) learn as much as I could and 4) have some fun. So in keeping with objective #1 I decided to spend some time at the front of the ride. I accelerated the Fujin up the pace line and had planned on settling in 10m up the road, but going faster felt so good I just kept my speed up and let the main group disappear in my mirrors.
I rode solo to the first control in Crossfield enjoying the beautiful Southern Alberta prairie scenery. Traffic was light and quite friendly - nice! The rolling terrain and crosswind was ideally suited to my Fujin so I made the most of it and enjoyed being at one with my bike. I had programmed my Garmin Vista CX the night before so I was able to relax and just follow its cues when I needed to turn. I sometimes feel like a GPS is cheating, but I cannot deny how useful it is. As a contrast last year I was fumbling with a small laminated cue sheet trying to read signs and make sure I was on track. The 41kms to Crossfield where eaten up at a brisk pace and I arrived in good spirits without anyone else in sight. I made my stop brief using advice from Jan Heine about managing time off the bike at controls to good effect.
Back on the road to Beiseker I saw a lone rando heading towards Crossfield and guessed the rest of the group were close behind me. Heading East on HWY 72 with a tailwind and a largely flat or downhill route I made some good time. It was fun to keep my speeds in the high 30kph to low 50kph range. It's moments like these that riding a lowracer seems more like flying a jet plane than riding a bicycle. I encountered a bunch more motorists who honked and waved. I didn't know Southern Alberta was bent country!...=-) The 60kms to the next control were one long ear to ear grin. Rather than ride into Beiseker I did as Ken has suggested and kept going to HWY 9 and stopped at a gas station just off the highway. I rapidly got my brevet card signed, used the washroom, stocked up on water and ate something. As I was pulling out a couple randos rolled in and informed me the lead group was nearby having stopped in town instead.
I could tell immediately that my time at the front of the brevet was going to come to an end. I was faced with a headwind, a general uphill trend and two legs that were starting to get a little cranky. Nevertheless I pushed on enjoying the sunshine and gentle whir of my drive train. Within 10kms I saw a DF rider surging towards me. Normally that's my cue to slowly raise the pace putting the hurt on my less aero opponent, but reality sunk in and I conceded that I was the one hurting. It turned out to be Stephen Kenny our cheerful club treasurer. We chatted for a few moments before he drifted back to the rest of the lead group and brought them up past me. I jumped on the back of their pace line happy to have some company after being alone all day.
I managed to stick with them for a while, but within a dozen kms they were gone. I had mentioned to Steve that it really wasn't fair of the 5 of them to work together and crush the lone recumbent rando. He replied with a cheerful"...we don't care!..." All is fair in love and brevets....=-) I turned East onto Hwy 564 and ran into the lead group taking a break. Riding flying furniture meant that I really didn't need to take breaks between controls so I waved as I rode past and enjoyed one last stint at the front of the ride. As expected they caught up quickly and I didn't have the legs to stay with them. Being in the middle of the ride was kind of nice. I could relax and had the chance to meeting club members who were passing me. Speaking of which I was joined by a club member [sorry I forgot your name...=-(] near Strathmore and we rode into the control together.
My stop in Strathmore was quite a bit longer than the previous controls. I was feeling pretty tired so I made sure I ate a bit extra and hydrated myself properly. A bunch of the lead riders were heading out so I decided to join them. Having ridden 160kms so far I knew that no matter how bad it got I could ride the last 40kms and have a successful brevet. The question now was how much time would I lose on the last stretch? I didn't stay with the lead group long. One advantage to being totally knackered was that there was no temptation to push myself into the bonk-zone trying to stay in contact with the riders in front of me. The only way I was staying in touch with them was if I was towed by a motorcycle!
To be honest the last 40kms went on forever. It was a full on slow motion sufferfest. I watched my overall average speed plummet from a high in the mid 30kph range. The worst part was I couldn't blame it on my bike, the bad weather or any external factor. I was reaping the rewards of being a lazy randonneur. Okay - maybe I could blame my bike a little. With about 25kms left to ride I realized my rear fender was rubbing my tire. I stopped to fix it and was shocked that the rear wheel was hard to turn by hand! Yikes - just what I needed - a drag brake...=-( I fixed the problem and rode on with quite a bit less effort. Ken Myhre and, the always cheerful, Bill Bakke passed me shortly after my fender repair. Their good spirits were infectious and I got my second wind. Of course it could also have been related to the fact the road stopped being a gradual uphill and started heading down as we neared the city. Either way I managed to speed up enough to keep my dignity as I merged with the thickening weekend traffic. I know conventional wisdom says you aren't supposed to be able to safely ride lowracers in traffic. I just can't figure out why and I do it again and again...=-)
I was overjoyed to see the A&W in the distance and know that my poor legs would soon be getting a break. I jammed as best I could the last kilometre so I could keep my ride time at or under 8hrs. The lead group had their bikes loaded in their cars and were smiling and joking as I pulled up. The finish line of a brevet is such a fun place to be. Everyone is pumped on endorphins and happy to be off their bikes. War stories start immediately and can last for years. Since I haven't been to PBP or any of the other "Big Rides" I just settle in and enjoy the dramatic tales of more experienced riders. Hopefully someday I'll be in their shoes inspiring a new generation of randonneurs.
I managed to complete the ride in 8hrs with about 7:30hrs of riding and 30mins off the bike. Complete ride stats are here. Not bad as I was able to improve over last year's time both on and off the bike.
Looking back on this ride with a few days of rest I'm quite happy with my performance and the way everything came together. I could have had a much better ride with some real training, but ultimately it is a matter of being a little disappointed in not reaching my potential rather than being disappointed because I had a bad ride. Of course how can you be truly be disappointed when you got to spend the whole day riding your bike in some beautiful countryside under sunny skies?
I've got a few things to tweak with my setup before the next brevet:
- I'll pull off my rear fender and rethink the mounting system.
- I need to extend the boom slightly as my new pedals/shoes seem to be thicker reducing my leg extension compared to last year's setup.
- I'd like a way to carry my camera while riding so I can take more photos.
- I'd also like to be able to eat while riding rather than waiting for stops.
- My tool kit was missing a key item [box wrench for my fender bolts] so I need to carefully check it and restock as needed.
- I need to come up with a comprehensive check list for all my rando gear. My memory is simply not good enough to be sure I leave the apartment with the essential gear on ride day.
Lastly I want to thank all the Alberta Randonneur Club members that organize and ride these events. You are a great bunch of riders and I'm glad to be a part of the organization.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Chrome Shins
Built from a durable 4 way stretch fabric they move with you so you can throw that round house kick or complete an urban assault obstacle course on your folding bike. If you are familiar with the new soft shell fabrics in the outdoors clothing line ups you'll recognize the same breathable, mostly windproof and abrasion resistant qualities in these pants. I've been a big fan of softshell jackets for a few years now. They are very versatile and go from the mountains to the city without complaint.
They only come in charcoal - good thing it looks good and is a neutral colour.
Expect to pay ~$145 - they're worth it.
You can see me styling it up in them here, here and here.
I like them so much I'll be looking for a second pair.
Here is what Chrome says about them:
- Three quarter length technical cycling knickers. 4-way stretch, mid-weight, highly wind resistant, and breathable. Water resistant and quick drying. Feels like a fresh pair of Dickies except a little lighter, softer and super stretchy. Cut higher in the back and lower in the front. Features include cargo pockets, articulated knees, zippered fly, belt loops, lightly padded moisture wicking chamois seat.
- Lifetime guarantee against defects. Made in San Francisco, USA. Machine Washable and Dryable
- 91% Nylon 9% Spandex
- Small: 28"-30" / inseam 21" Medium: 30"-32" / inseam 22" Large: 32"-34" / inseam 22.5" X-Large: 34"-37" / inseam 23"
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Strathmore 200K - Ride Summary

Ride Stats [last year's stats in brackets]:
Total ride time: 8hrs [9:44hrs]
On bike time: 7:30hrs [9:04hrs]
Off bike: 30mins [40mins]
Overall Avg speed: 25.3kph [20.8kph]
On bike Avg speed:27.0kph [23.2kph]
2007 Strathmore 200K Ride Report
2007 Strathmore 200K Ride Stats
Ortlieb Sale @ Rarified
The folks at Rarified are having a sale on some of their Ortlieb messenger bags and packs. I've been using a Velocity pack I bought from them for the past 4 months and really like it - review on the way. I just thought I'd pass on the info in case anyone is looking for some durable waterproof bags. As a disclaimer I have no financial interest in the store or these bags.
The prices below do not include shipping.
The prices below do not include shipping.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Icefield's Parkway Tour September 2006
Update: I had this posted on my personal blog and decided to move it over to my more bikey blog.
So the labour day long weekend rolled around and I had not done a real mountain ride all year. Add to that a new touring bike and what else could I do, but go for a trip through the mountains. Anna has a new touring bike as well so it was easy to convince her what a great idea it would be to ride from Jasper to Calgary.

bike touring,
icefield's parkway,
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