Steeker and
Tanya made it out to Urbane for some bicycle silliness and excellent Thai food. We hit up Urbane for a long time and then made it over to MEC with a bite to eat in the middle.

Tanya got so tired she need to take a rest. As you can see she likes to be prepared and carries a couple spare tires and bivouac gear in a pannier on even the shortest bike ride - can you tell she is an
Ontario Randonneur?...=-)
It was great to see you guys. Hopefully we can get out for a nice bike ride next time I come to TO.
hahaha you took that pic from a reverse angle. that was when you both suggested curried food.. bad pic of me but it's all good lol
thanks for the light help/
Thanks for the tires and fun day! And yes next time we definitely need to ride! PS when you mentioned that fleece at MEC was related to animal fur, no kidding! My cat glommed on to me while wearing it like I was a mother cat.
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