I'm house sitting two houses and two sets of pets at the moment. Shawn and Deanna have a lovely well decorated house in the suburbs. Although I am not likely to ever spend the energy to have a house like this myself I do enjoy hanging out here once in a while and soaking up the grown up ambiance. But, I do like to add my own personal touches to any place I stay. Can you spot my additions to their living room and kitchen?...=-)
Anyone know how to clean chain grease stains from a dishwasher? It seemed like such a good idea at the time...=-(
I must say that you've really pulled off the look. Somehow, you've managed to bring these two rooms.....together. In a common theme. Very nice.
LMFAOOO :-D ,,, did you really put a bike chain in the dishwasher??????????????
No I didn't REALLY use the dishwasher to clean my chain. I'm not that crazy - I'd use the front loading washing machine and wrap my chain in an old towel....=-)
:-| huh
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