Five hardy souls showed up and we enjoyed a warm and sunny ride out of the city along the bike pathways. Chris was aboard his yellow Giro 20. John rode a red Burley Django. James was on the Wiz Wheels trike - not sure of the model?? Arlen had a silver Rans Rocket that he rode across Canada on.

It was nice to meet some more Calgary bent riders and chat about all things recumbent.

My dual 26" SWB is not ideal for all the pathway obstacles, but it was good handling practice for me to try and overcome the many challenges the pathways presented. I was definitely envious of the lower seats and more upright positions some of the other guys had with their smaller wheeled bikes.

80kms door to door and a little closer to getting my bent legs. I'm looking forward to our next get together - hopefully a highway ride without any tight gates to slalom through!
Thanks for making it happen Chris.
The riders are all anonymous? :-). Actually what kind of bents are they? And is that BlueCoyote on the trike?
Everyone asked that they remain anonymous. Frankly we get enough hassles with hot women throwing their panties at us as we ride - we don't need them tracking us down and bugging us at home!
Well that is except for Chris. He said it was okay if I used his real name because stalking was the most sincere form of flattery.
I like the picture with the trike leading the pack
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