Sarah got a recumbent this weekend - a Rans Rocket. Now she can come along on recumbent rides and enjoy the "bent smile".

She is a Rocket pilot because it was one of the few bents you can test ride in Calgary and it will be a good bike for general pathway riding and some touring.

She is pretty excited to get out and ride it, but of course the day she picked it up and the following day it poured rain! Hopefully the rest of the week will be dry and she can rack up the miles...=-)
Hey Vik, great looking Rocket. I did not see what year. But I do know that the later versions have such a beautiful sheen of gold flakes in the red. And if you are ever thinking of fenders, wait until she is very comfortable with the leg overlap. I broke my fenders (CF) in first or second year because my tight turns would always strike top of fender installed parts. BTW, there is nothing nicer than crusing with some Lake sandals and a gentle wind. :-).
nice dolphin mojo :-D ,, that's awesome you can ride Bents togther
Are those the stock handlebars on the Rocket now? I was thinking of swapping the T-bar on mine (2005 model) for a set of the Volae bars...looks like those bars are similar in geometry.
Congrats to Sarah on her new toy!
Dan B
Hey Reddan - yes the bike is completely stock other than the Blue Whale horn! Sarah is quite excited to get out and ride her new bike.
Hi Vik:
I take it Sarah bought the recumbent at Cyclepath? It drove me nuts that I was the driving force in that store to stock and promote recumbents, but it always seemed that people bought them on my days off! This past Saturday, May 19th was my last day at Cyclepath but they're keeping me on call for any recumbent-related questions or issues. I'm so happy that Sarah bought the Rocket, as I truly believe that it's one of the best performance-for-the-buck rides available in the 'bent world. Is she coming on the Canmore-Lake Louise ride in June?
Hey Chris,
Ya we got the Rocket from The Cyclepath. Sunday was the only day that worked for Sarah to test ride bents.
She is planning on coming for the 15 June ride. I want to get her out on the Lake Chestermere path at least once so the ride to LL isn't too much of a shock to the system!
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