The Taifun is working out nicely as my commuting bike. It barely fits into my bike locker once I remove the pedals. Reinstalling them every morning is a minor PITA, but I can't imagine a smaller bent. Once on the road the handling is lively yet quite stable - feels a little bit like piloting a small jet! I'm warming up to the "Praying Hamster" steering setup - it is definitely comfortable for an hour at a time. Although it makes attaching a mirror challenging I found one that works well. The low 13" seat height adds some excitement to the ride and lets you feel really quick as you watch the pavement speed by. The downsides to this bent are heaviness and drivetrain noise.
All in all a fun bent to ride.
"The downsides to this bent are heaviness and drivetrain noise."
Yeah, but you look marvelous!
Well I do get the most positive comments on this bike compared to any others I own. Kinds love it, adults love it.
It is a good looking bent for sure.
So what mirror have you settled on? I use a Take a Look when I need one on a bicycle without fixed mirrors. Like my tandem, my son uses the same on both his Pocket and DF. Always have best position when using glass mounted, as opposed to fixed mirror on handlebar, unless you use two.
The mirror I am using is a cheapie from MEC [$4.95] which velcros to the handlebar. I have tried the mirrors that attach to your glasses and really don't like them. I own one and I used it on my first commute with the Taifun, but quickly switched to a bar mounted mirror.
I just got some B&M mirrors from the Hostel Shoppe. I am going to try one on the Taifun and see how it works. I have a short B&M on my Volae and it is awesome.
I wonder if you could get some folding pedals on that rig... might save you some time.
Or maybe some MKS MM Cube Ezy de-mountable pedals?
Well I literally have no clearance on either side of the cranks so I'm not sure any other pedals would work - unless the QR attachment didn't leave anything that wasn't flush with the cranks.
I get strange looks about my carradice bag on my LHT as well. My favourite thing to carry in there is a bottle of wine!...=-)
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