Thursday, November 27, 2008

RIP Blogger

The Lazy Randonneur's time on blogger is coming to an end. This site will remain as long as blogger sees fit to keep it running, but the Lazy Randonneur will be living at this new location and running on WordPress from now on.

Please change your bookmarks.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading you're blog now and then - I like your attitude, and your way of writing.
It's inspiring to know that there are "odd" persons around the globe, sharing your own "odd" interests.
Living in Sweden, we have this year experienced a great winter for cycling (cold, much snow, steady weather) - and among others, your blog has inspired me to go deeper into my cycling. After months of heavy thinking I'm now waiting to have my pure winter bike ready - a real fat tire bike. Aboslutely not necessary, rather unnecessary - but fun, I hope!
All the best - with regards from Stockholm, Sweden. Good luck!

Vik said...

Thanks!....enjoy the winter biking....=-)