The regular posters in the Bike Forums Touring Sub-Forum would cringe at Frank's bike as it doesn't meet the belt and suspenders totally overbuilt touring bike specification that is considered essential, but Frank has put thousands of KMs of touring on this rig and it keeps on trucking. To be honest his approach to touring has made me rethink what I carry and how heavy duty my touring bike really needs to be.
Our visit was brief as Frank had many things on his To Do List and didn't want to miss a day of riding. This 63 year old is pretty hardcore! After the obligatory trip to MEC and a hearty all-you-can-eat feast I wrenched on Frank's bike while he worked on his laptop and got his laundry done.
He was up this morning at 6am taking care of a few last minute tasks and was off like a rocket towards Saskatchewan with hopes of tailwinds and even bigger mileage days.
Safe travels Frank....=-)
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