After starting strong in the Spring the last few weekly rides have been poorly attended. I'm not sure if Wednesday is not a good for people at this point, if interest in a weekly group ride is simply not there or if some other factor is at play. I don't think that having a weekly group ride makes much sense if we can't sustain a turn out of 5 riders or more. Particularly as we have well over 20 people that have either come out or expressed an interest in coming out.
We have a number of options from canceling the weekly ride and talking about it again next Spring, changing it to a monthly ride, changing the day of the week and getting some sort of notification system going. To make any decision we need to have a discussion. I've setup a Google Group called "The Lazy Randonneurs". If you are interested in this weekly ride please take the time to join. We can use this forum to discuss what people want to see happen with the weekly ride and should few people bother joining I'll take that as a vote to cancel the ride until next year.
Ride Notification
In the meantime we have some good weather left and at least a month of weekly rides that could be very pleasant before winter sets in. In order to temporarily resolve the issue of low attendance if you plan on coming out for the ride join the The Lazy Randonneurs Group and send out an email by 4pm the day of the ride. That way it will be easy to see how much interest there is in meeting up. If only one or two people are interested at least they know it will be a small turn out and can decide to bail on the ride. You can also use this ride notification process to let people know you are interested in riding on a day other than Wed. So if you want some company on a Sunday AM ride send the group an email and see if anyone else is interested.
We have a number of options from canceling the weekly ride and talking about it again next Spring, changing it to a monthly ride, changing the day of the week and getting some sort of notification system going. To make any decision we need to have a discussion. I've setup a Google Group called "The Lazy Randonneurs". If you are interested in this weekly ride please take the time to join. We can use this forum to discuss what people want to see happen with the weekly ride and should few people bother joining I'll take that as a vote to cancel the ride until next year.
Ride Notification
In the meantime we have some good weather left and at least a month of weekly rides that could be very pleasant before winter sets in. In order to temporarily resolve the issue of low attendance if you plan on coming out for the ride join the The Lazy Randonneurs Group and send out an email by 4pm the day of the ride. That way it will be easy to see how much interest there is in meeting up. If only one or two people are interested at least they know it will be a small turn out and can decide to bail on the ride. You can also use this ride notification process to let people know you are interested in riding on a day other than Wed. So if you want some company on a Sunday AM ride send the group an email and see if anyone else is interested.