I've also been on the road for work the last little while and haven't had regular access to the net or a comfortable workstation. Getting around on crutches while traveling is even less fun than it sounds and quite tiring. For the first time in years I have watched a ton of TV. I don't have one at home, but being tired and unable to get around is a perfect combo when you have a TV close at hand in your hotel room.
I'll be home on Monday and I've got a backlog of items, in particular product reviews, that I should jump on since I've got a lot of time on my hands at home.
I should be back on the bike by the middle of November and I have some fun winter bike trips planned, but I don't want to jinx them so I won't post about future plans until my foot is all better.
Wow Vik, I'm so sorry to hear about your injury. I hope you have a full and speedy recovery!
I'm sorry to hear about your being in a cast, Vik! When I was a senior in high school I smashed my leg into smithereens in a skiing accident and was in a full (plaster!) cast for five months. Got it cut off three days before graduation ceremonies, and couldn't walk without a severe limp and terrible swelling in my foot. But I COULD ride a bike, and that got my leg back in battery before summer was over. Good luck to you!
I hope you'll be fine soon Vik
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