Sarah's Rans Rocket is turning out to be a great little bent. She is feeling confident on it and is doing well on the hills. I'm thinking of getting her something a little more performance oriented than the stock Primo Comets - maybe some
Schwalbe Kojaks??? We can save the comets for a tour or commuting in the future. For the moment her bent riding is solely recreational and more speed never hurts!
I had a chance to ride the Rocket in downtown Calgary. The upright seating and mild manners made it a good choice for traveling the inner city. It is fairly high so visibility isn't and issue and the lower seat height made starting and stopping a snap. Out of all the bents I have access to at the moment the Rocket would be my pick as the best commuter bent.
my Giro20 has cracks in the welds after two months, so I am getting the value of the bike and trading up to a better Bent,, I have a chance to get the Taifun for 3200 new,,
I'd offer $2300 max or buy a new Taifun or Hurricane in the colour of your choice with the equipment spec of your choice for around $3300.
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